Tell me, before you call us servants, who served whom? And who, I wonder, in your generations, will immortalize you?
God accomplishes much through us His servants". ~R. Alan Woods [2012]
Faith is the choice of the nobler hypothesis.' Not the noblest, one never knows what that is. But the nobler, the best one can see when the choice is made.
Alex had cooked, and coaxed, and helped Mark form borders around the shapeless days. Alex had given meaning to the word "servant".
She never says gracias because life is made of survival not grace, she says, and servants are paid to bring what they're asked.
Great leaders are great servants because the only way of setting an example is by demonstrating an example. Service to mankind is the key to true leadership!
He who cannot serve cannot lead. It is by being a servant that you recognize that followers also have needs. True leaders are service oriented!
Our Heavenly Father is far more merciful, infinitely more charitable, than even the best of his servants, and the Everlasting Gospel is mightier in power to save than our narrow finite minds can comprehend.
I have an issue with dogs - I can't pick up after them. It's nothing personal; it just makes me feel like a servant.
You don't put your head above the parapet and become a personality if you're an illustrator - it's not part of it; it's not possible. You are a servant to the story.
If we do not know the King that comes to your bedroom for the sole purpose of taking out your trash, then you have yet to know Jesus as the Servant of All.
The word knight, which originally meant boy or servant, was particularly applied to a young man after he was admitted to the privilege of bearing arms.
As the creator of the Universe, God uses the love of all to paint the tapestry of our world as He would have it .... our loving Hearts are his humble servants.
We normally know Jesus as a humble, loving servant, which He is. But Revelations gives us the bigger picture of who Jesus is, in His glory.
Come forward as servants of Islam, organize the people economically, socially, educationally and politically and I am sure that you will be a power that will be accepted by everybody.
A true servant of God will never teach a false doctrine. He will never deny new revelation. He never will tell you that the canon of scripture is full, or that the New Testament is the last revelation ever intended to be given to man.
My father was a civil servant, so having a regular job, being respectable is a big deal for me. Respectable in the sense that I support my family. That's what I mean by respectability.
The only time you really live fully is from thirty to sixty. The young are slaves to dreams; the old servants of regrets. Only the middle-aged have all their five senses in the keeping of their wits.
If the Great Way perishes there will morality and duty. When cleverness and knowledge arise great lies will flourish. When relatives fall out with one another there will be filial duty and love. When states are in confusion there will be faithful ser...
My legacy doesn't matter. It isn't important that I be remembered. It's important that when I stand before the Lord, he says, 'Well done, good and faithful servant.' I want to finish strong.
The gift of the Holy Ghost, which is the right to receive the Holy Ghost as a constant companion, is obtained only upon condition of faith in Christ, repentance, baptism by immersion, and the laying on of hands by authorized servants endowed with the...