If you lock me in the room with a piano teacher for a year I might be able to knock out a rendition of 'Roll Out The Barrel,' but will I ever be a concert pianist? No.
Seems like my iron play gets a little better every year. Which makes sense - I've been working hard on things with my teacher, Jim McLean.
I'm very involved with kids because after being a teacher for seven years, I just can't stop loving the kids. I am a teacher forever.
I managed Hewlett Packard through the worst technology downturn in 25 years, the dotcom bust.
Most people are really stunned to find out that the technology has been around for more than 100 years, and that the diesel engine was in fact invented to run on vegetable oil.
Well, it's very dangerous to project, but it's clear that the existing technology has some more years to go.
One way to look at meditation is as a kind of intrapsychic technology that's been developed over thousands of years by traditions that know a lot about the mind/body connection.
When it comes to hockey, it's been in my blood since I was 3 or 4 years old. I love coaching the kids, especially at that level.
You don't stay married for thirty-nine years because of sex or even because of love, but because your partner is a real friend to you, because they respect and regard you.
I love to play guitar. I've been writing my own songs on the axe since I was nine years old. I suck at leads.
Ideally, I would love to mix singing and acting, but you can only be a pop star for so many years. I mean, at 30 it's a little bit sad, right?
I love baseball. I'll probably end up one of those old farts who go to spring training in Florida every year and drive from game to game all day.
I really enjoy doing films, but I also love television. I certainly would not be against doing some regular television work and being on a show that runs several years.
I fell in love with jazz when I was 12 years old from listening to Duke Ellington and hearing a lot of jazz in New York on the radio.
I love writing. Given a choice, after directing for all these years, and if given an army of talented directors, I would not direct at all.
Being 16 years old and getting an electric guitar is never going to get old. There's always going to be kids making music. There's always going to be kids in bands.
I had to resign myself, many years ago, that I'm not too articulate when it comes to explaining how I feel about things. But my music does it for me, it really does.
I don't listen to a lot of music any more and even the people I've loved for years - the Nick Drakes of this world - I can't go back to them and listen to them over and over.
Musically, I didn't relate to Berlin. There seemed to be a lot of machine music made there - I don't think I saw a stringed instrument in two years.
I grew up with Al Jarreau. We had a band together and worked these places for three years when neither one of us knew we could make a living doing music.
I progressed through so many different styles of music through my teen years, both as a player and a vocalist, particularly the jazz and pop of the early 20th Century.