For me to go back and to play for audiences some of whom have been following me for thirty years and some who have found me in the last five or six years, that's really an interesting thing. I have an audience that goes from kids to seventy year olds...
It's difficult to choose a Word of the Year in the year that you're in. It's one of those things that hindsight makes more apparent. It's like looking at pictures from 10 years ago, and you notice the flannel and the ripped jeans. At the time, it did...
At a time when there's younger writers starting up and it's inevitable that you're becoming less fashionable, at a time when the industrial pressures apply more and more to books, how do you keep a book you wrote 28 years ago selling well year on yea...
I went to university for a year, and I'm not one for schooling and have no enjoyment sitting in a classroom all day and ended up going to live in England for two years, just to travel. I worked in a bar in a hotel for a couple of years and had no int...
Pauline Parker: [Narrative from the diary] My new years resolution is a far more selfish one than last year. It is to make my motto, eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow, you may be dead
But MTV relishes its vestigial role as a star maker, so every year it puts all its clout into making the VMAs the biggest, splashiest, loudest show-biz extravaganza of the year, honoring all this music for existing, after a year of paying barely any ...
We opened the first Men's Wearhouse in Houston in August 1973, then a store a year for 10 years in Texas. In the early 1980s I opened a store in the San Francisco Bay Area. Within the year, the Texas economy was in total disarray. We were facing Chap...
Annie Hall: Oh, you see an analyst? Alvy Singer: Yeah, just for fifteen years. Annie Hall: Fifteen years? Alvy Singer: Yeah, I'm gonna give him one more year, and then I'm goin' to Lourdes.
Celine: Maybe we should meet here in five years or something. Jesse: All right, all right, five year- Five years! That's a long time! Celine: It's awful! It's like a sociological experiment!
Well, you know, I've bonded with a lot of people over the years, you know. We played the same tournaments year after year and we go back to the same place and many times the seats have been full and that has meant the world to me for sure.
I want to play a role of a 24-year-old woman, not 17-year-old girls. So I have picked a couple of films like 'Butter' to show that. And it's perfectly fine not to do anything for a year if I don't find the right thing.
Don't let your habits become handcuffs
My academic schedule is lighter this year because it's an Olympic year.
From year to year, environmental changes are incremental and often barely register in our lives, but from evolutionary or geological perspectives, what is happening is explosive change.
We were so bad last year, the cheerleaders stayed home and phoned in the cheers.
I'm older, I'm matured... I'm looking forward to the years to come. Good years.
A two-year-old is kind of like having a blender, but you don't have a top for it.
In the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years.
I worked in 40 restaurants over a five-year period.
I couldn't comprehend a 35-year-old woman gravitating toward a 70-year-old man.
Index investing outperforms active management year after year.