I spent several years cooking on a line.
I've lived in Los Angeles for at least 24 years.
Most animals are built to withstand one bad year.
I went to sleep away camp seven years in a row. I was such a pro.
Do you know it was a year a ago today?
I have done prison time for 13 years without any conviction.
Actually, my parents were separated by the time I was about 2 years old.
Some guys work 125 to 130 rodeos a year. They're just goin' all the time.
I'd never even seen a play by the time I was 24 years old.
Queen has taken the all of our time for last four or five years, you know.
With two books a year, I don't have time for writer's block.
I've been at Liverpool for eight years, and the time has come for us to start achieving.
I have not had a drink for four years, which for me is a long time.
It's hard to spend years at a time working in total solitude with no reality-check.
11 years is a long time in this industry.
It was actually 3 years between albums. That seems like a long time to me.
Before my teen years, I was losing my hearing pretty quickly, and I was getting very, very angry. I was beginning to become an angry person because of that.
Domestic travel and tourism-related spending has reached $1 trillion a year.
Most of the friends you trust are those you've known for 10 years.
For 10 years, Kosovo was taboo. No one could officially tell the truth.
Sid: They migrated without me. They do this every year.