The simple act of saying 'thank you' is a demonstration of gratitude in response to an experience that was meaningful to a customer or citizen.
We need to become good citizens in the global village, instead of competing. What are we competing for - to drive more cars, eat more steaks? That will destroy the world.
I believe that all students, when asked to be accountable for their actions and to be socially aware citizens, will become agents for change!
Government health care changes the relationship between the citizen and the state, and, in fact, I think it's an assault on citizenship.
In a democracy, citizens pass judgment on their government, and if they are kept in the dark about what their government is doing, they cannot be in a position to make well-grounded decisions.
Citizens continue to demand government help in fighting cybercrime, defending children from stalkers and bullies, and protecting consumers.
There's huge opportunities to continue to improve efficiency in the way the government operates and improve the way government provides services to its citizens.
Before my tenure, people didn't seem to think that citizens had a right to limit the size of their government.
A citizen is a political and moral agent who in fact has a shared sense of hope and responsibility to others and not just to him or herself.
The Nordic countries are leading the way on women's equality, recognizing women as equal citizens rather than commodities for sale.
I am an Australian citizen, and I miss my country a great deal.
The Good Friday Agreement and the basic rights and entitlements of citizens that are enshrined within it must be defended and actively promoted by London and Dublin.
We encourage China to engage as a good global citizen and we are clear-eyed about where differences do lie.
These manly sentiments, in private life, make good citizens; in public life, the patriot and the hero.
People don't do good work when they feel like losers and are second-class citizens within their own company.
There are lots of people depending on the government who are good, honest citizens who have worked all their lives.
My task as a citizen is to get the government to do more good and less inefficient and wasteful work.
The fight for reform comes down to a simple goal: giving our citizens the confidence that government serves the people first and the people only.
Justice in the life and conduct of the State is possible only as first it resides in the hearts and souls of the citizens.
I love voting day. I love the sight of my fellow citizens lining up to make their voices heard.
I don't know what it's like in the U.S. but immigrants in the U.K. do the jobs the citizens won't do.