Acted drama requires surrender of one's self, sympathetic absorption in the play as it develops.
George Pierce BakerCynicism is the easiest of all reactions, right? But it's also so disappointing and self-defeating.
Chris HadfieldAnytime someone talks about your figure constantly, you get nervous; you get really self-conscious.
Christina HendricksTo be disciplined is to follow in a good way. To be self disciplined is to follow in a better way.
Corita KentAfter many years of self-flagellation, I've realised that beating myself up doesn't get me anywhere.
Chris PineOf course gratitude should be expressed...But that does not mean to kill your self-esteem.
Deepika MuthusamyReligious traditions are in a constant state of development and renewed self-understanding.
David NovakI used to be self conscious about my height, but then I thought, fuck that, I'm Harry Potter.
Daniel Radcliffe