It’s not the win that matters so much as recognizing and respecting its value.
No Excuses, The Fit Mind-Fit Body Strategy BookTis the privilege of friendship to talk nonsense, and to have her nonsense respected.
The Life, Letters and Writings of Charles LambI earn my own respect," I told Emilie. "I don't ride the coattails of someone else.
The Letter WriterJust because we're friends, doesn't mean I shouldn't have to say sorry. You deserve that respect.
Marshmallows for BreakfastWrap your hand in toilet paper before you meet someone. It’ll change how much people respect you.
Sleepwalking is resterciseMembers of Congress are like the voters in one respect -- they want to go with the winners.
Only the Super-Rich Can Save Us!I respect him. He has brains and character; and that, I may tell you, is a very unusual combination.
The Painted Veil