Everyone has a private self and a public self.
Universal education is not only a moral imperative but an economic necessity, to pave the way toward making many more nations self-sufficient and self-sustaining.
Self-awareness is the key to self-fulfillment.
Nobody these days holds the written word in such high esteem as police states do.
He'll love and hate equally under cover, and esteem it a species of impertinence to loved or hated again.
We ought to esteem it of the greatest importance that the fictions which children first hear should be adapted in the most perfect manner to the promotion of virtue.
...the danger that American society as a whole will over-esteem intellect or assign it such a transcendent value as to displace other legitimate values is one that hardly troubles us.
You have to look in the mirror and do one of two things; love or hate who you see. So, be good to yourself - it's all the esteem you have.
In the North, he discoverd, courtesy was considered a barometer of genuine esteem; for any decently brought up Southerner, good manners were simply habitual.
Soon after, I returned home to my family, with a determination to bring them as soon as possible to live in Kentucky, which I esteemed a second paradise, at the risk of my life and fortune.
The President regards the Japanese as a brave people; but courage, though useful in time of war, is subordinate to knowledge of arts; hence, courage without such knowledge is not to be highly esteemed.
I think India is very passionate about films. It's almost a second religion back home. Due to that, I think film stars are - are really held in great esteem. Not that we're complaining, but I think with that comes a lot of responsibility.
Fiction is the thing I esteem most in my own work; I feel that, even if it's no good, only I could have written those books.
I know that those who esteem these little organised associations to be the churches of God, see nothing but mere meetings of men in every other gathering of God's children.
The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently.
I esteem understanding and subtlety highly, but I consider that they have been put to ill use in the greater part of work, where the author studies things of little use... { }
LET us honour the King by cherishing respectful Sentiments concerning him; speaking of him with Affection, with Esteem and Reverence; and by promoting a like Spirit and Conduct in others.
Admire and adore the Author of the telescopic universe, love and esteem the work, do all in your power to lessen ill, and increase good, but never assume to comprehend.
As a longtime fashion enthusiast and the architect of the YMCMB lifestyle, it makes perfect sense to partner with the esteemed Bravado and move into fashion and launch my apparel brands.
The sincere teachers of their youth should be met, not with an intention to dictate to them, but to give additional force to their well-meant endeavours, and raise them to public esteem.
We see that pedantry has never been held in such esteem for the government of the world as in our times, and it offers as many paths of the true intelligible species and objects of infallible and sole truth as there are individual pedants.