The way people see you is the way you really are.
If it's not American, the French won't go see it.
These are the people who are going to see the pictures in my museum.
I can see the beauty of everything only through a fog.
People did not even then like to eat dirt, if they could see it.
The number of people who will not go to a show they do not want to see is unlimited.
Do you see a problem in every opportunity or an opportunity in every problem?
Publishers see free downloads as threatening the sales of the book.
I often don't see what I've done, or I cringe when I watch myself.
I shut my eyes in order to see.
Do you not see the Madonna always beside the tabernacle?
It's interesting to see these lives from places I may never go unfold on screen.
You don't ever see a thriller with a spiritual backbone.
Carbohydrate is the bad guy. You have to see that.
I love walking in the rain because no one can see me crying
I don't see myself as a philosopher. That's awfully boring.
See things from the boy's point of view.
L.A.'s magic has let me see every level of the dream.
I enjoy seeing people have fun.
No one can penetrate me. They only see what's in their own fancy, always.
You're basically killing each other to see who's got the better imaginary friend.