The federal government needs to get off the backs of small businesses and let the private sector grow and create jobs instead of harnessing it with onerous regulations and a repressive tax code.
The question remains: which brands will commit to creating a private sector pillar of social change, and which will become casualties of their own outdated thinking?
History has proven that the PLO and its sectors suffered great damage when walking the way of harming Zionist interests in other countries around the world.
It would be fun to have someone in the White House who has worked in the private sector... and someone who understands that wealth creation is a good thing and they want more of it. Wealth is good.
Only electricity can give the transport sector the flexibility to switch fuels when one or more become too expensive.
We do many things at the federal level that would be considered dishonest and illegal if done in the private sector.
So I'm definitely in favour of stimulating the dynamic wealth creation sectors of the economy.
Obama's explanation for the slowdown in economic growth is that the public sector is hurting, and that's where Washington must step in and act.
The United States lived on borrowed money for too long, inflating its financial sector unnecessarily and neglecting its small and mid-sized industrial companies.
I am interested in things happening around me, and I need to understand what's going on in other artistic sectors like music and literature.
When WHO works with the private sector, the Organization takes all possible measures to ensure its work to develop policy and guidelines is protected from industry influence.
In Japan, the average age of agricultural workers is 65.8. When the aging of its population is accelerating so rapidly, it will be very difficult to sustain the sector whether we liberalize trade or not.
We can all agree that government can't solve the obesity crisis alone. It's an ongoing issue that will require a collaborative effort across private and public sectors if we want to see some long-term success.
By giving the leadership to the private sector in a capitalistic society, we're going to measure the value of art by how many products we can sell.
There's an awful lot of choices in the world as far as what one can do for a living. It's best to be familiar with as many sectors of the working world as you can be so you'll be better at your creative job anyway.
The Summit of the Americas is an excellent platform to raise awareness and secure commitments from heads of state and different sector leaders regarding Early Childhood Development.
So far, Indian companies have focused more on customer application. This needs to shift to packaged software for sectors such as banking and financial services.
Islam affords women their rightful status, and encourages them to work in all sectors, as long as they are afforded appropriate respect.
By the mid-1950s, more than a third of all America workers in the private sector were unionized. And the unions demanded and received a fair slice of the American pie.
I'm probably one of the few people who can say I did all three types of state sector schooling.
I'm pleased the administration is endorsing the need for legislation dealing with the chemical sector. In the past, the administration's position has been ambiguous.