Of all the trees we could've hit, we had to get one that hits back.
Harry Potter and the Chamber of SecretsNo man can keep a secret. If his lips are silent, he chatters with his fingertips.
The Interpretation of MurderEveryone does not know the secrets of Truth The States of Truth are not evidential.
Sufi Thought and ActionMove your hands, Morgan,” he commanded. “It hurts!” she protested. “It’s supposed to.
Secret DesiresDiplomats and politicians, blowing with the wind. No substance, no beliefs, no real friendships.
Secrets of the Italian GardenerIt was like walking into a treasure trove of books, hoarded by pirate librarians.
The Name of This Book Is SecretShe stared at the castle. She had actually been summoned to a castle. A week before Christmas.
Secret SantaI think everyone's parents have secrets. You just have to know where to look for them.
The Slippery Slope