Hearing voices no one else can hear isn't a good sign, even in the wizarding world.
Harry Potter and the Chamber of SecretsPolly had arrived in the world outraged to discover that her sisters had gotten there before her.
The Husband's SecretIt is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets!” said Harry in a fierce voice. “ — —” “MUUUUUUM!” howled Dudley, “He’s doing you know what!
Harry Potter and the Chamber of SecretsIf I guess your secret, will you tell me if I'm right?" His father laughed but didn't answer.
House of Dark ShadowsThis is the secret that none dares tell who fights for a cause. Dying, we are all alike.
Kushiel's DartFor the record, the proposal was just a courtesy. You would have been mine regardless. -KANE
Red Moon Secrets