I wasn't tempted to go into academia for a second.
Second guesses in putting are fatal.
Acting is everybody's favorite second job.
Between truth and the search for it, I choose the second.
The future is a split second away.
If your neighbor visits Mecca once, watch out for him. If he makes a second visit, you had better avoid him. After the third visit you had better move to another street.
His intense blue gaze held hers, willing her to believe. She pulled in a shaky breath. Each second, he’d said. This second, then another, then another, until she believed all the time. She closed her eyes. She wanted to trust in him, in them. Why d...
Make the second 50 the best 50
Managers have people second-guessing them all the time.
And the second question, can poetry be taught? I didn't think so.
A lifetime of training for just ten seconds.
I love going to second-hand stores.
To us marriage is first, everything else is second.
My second marriage had a lot to do with alcohol.
Because in a split second, it's gone.
The piano is kind of my second instrument.
No one remembers who came in second.
Music is a second language to my heart.
Pre-meditation can form in split seconds.
No, I did not offer to resign for a second.
Love is 2 minutes and 52 seconds of squelching noises.