In general, the main themes emerge early for each book, even before the storyline and characters, as I research the time and place I want to draw upon. Having said that, every single book so far has offered me surprises en route, and these include mo...
Typically, highway bridges have about 50 years. But over in England, they have iron bridges approaching 250 years. In France, there are Roman aqueducts that are approaching 2,000 years old. So a bridge can last a very long time if it's built properly...
My game is really played above time. I don't say that like I'm saying I'm ahead of my time. I'm saying, like, if I'm on the court and I throw a pass, the ball that I've thrown will lead my teammate right where he needs to go, before he even knows tha...
The thing about New York is, more than any other place I've ever been, you run into people on the street that you would never imagine you'd see, old friends, people just like there for a day or two. I find that all the time when I'm walking around Ma...
I think I've grown up in a mixed environment, and maybe a lot of the time I haven't really belonged anywhere in the way I've dreamt of belonging to, you know, living on the street and playing to all the kids on the street, growing up together. I supp...
For a long time, sure, I was letting the pressure of being Rodney King get to me. It ain't easy. Even now, I walk into a place wondering, 'What people are thinking? Do they know who I am? What do they think about what happened? Do they blame me for t...
The baseball fights, you don't ever see the squaring off like you do in hockey, and in some instances, that's where baseball fights can be potentially more dangerous because you've got guys running all over the place and people throwing punches at yo...
I've said before, the number one thing that we have to work on is protecting the gay community from sharia law. Now, in the United States, it's probably not a big issue right now, but my brother-in-law is gay, and his partner and I would like them to...
Ever since I came to Congress in 1992, there are those who have been trying to silence my voice. I've been told to 'sit down and shut up' over and over again. Well, I won't sit down and I won't shut up until the full and unvarnished truth is placed b...
In a community center in India once, somebody said, 'Aren't you sorry you don't have children?' And I thought, 'If I answer truthfully, I will lose them,' because it was a very different culture and a different place. And then I thought, 'What's the ...
Gooper Pollitt: The point is I won't see this place run into the ground by a drunken ex-football hero. Margaret "Maggie" Pollitt: You shut up about my husband! Mae Pollitt: You shut up!
Captain Renault: Is everything ready? Rick: [points to his jacket pocket] I have the letters right here. Captain Renault: Tell me, when we searched the place, where were they? Rick: Sam's piano. Captain Renault: [looks at the piano] Serves me right f...
Jim Cunningham: Now, I'm going to tell you a little story today. It's a heartbreakingly sad story about a young man whose life was completely destroyed by these instruments of fear. A young man, searching for love in all the wrong places. His name wa...
Narrator: Look, nobody takes this more seriously than me. That condo was my life, okay? I loved every stick of furniture in that place. That was not just a bunch of stuff that got destroyed, it was ME! [voice-over] Narrator: I'd like to thank the Aca...
Kaffee: Cutie-pie shit will not win you a place in my heart, Corporal, I get paid no matter how much time you spend in jail. Dawson: [contemptuously] Yes sir, I know you do, sir.
Neville Salt: [about his fiancée's deceased spouse] Oh, a neat man was he, then? Mrs. Davison: He liked a tidy place. So do I, come to that. [hits his shoulder with a glove] Mrs. Davison: Dandruff. We'll have to get you something for that.
Dr Ray Stantz: Gozer the Gozerian, good evening. As a duly designated representative of the city, county, and state of New York, I order you to cease any and all supernatural activity and return forthwith to your place of origin or to the nearest con...
Louie: Goddamn it. You shot me in the exact same fucking place as last time! Ghost Dog: I'm sorry. I mean you no disrespect. You're my retainer. I don't want to put too many holes in you.
Ron: [when Harry and Hermione reappear] How did you get there? I... I was talking to you there! And now you're there! Hermione: What's he talking about Harry? Harry: I dunno. Honestly Ron, how can people be in two places at once?
Thorin Oakenshield: [Last words] Farewell, Master Burglar. Go back to your books... and your armchair... plant your trees, watch them grow. If more people... valued home above gold... this world would be a merrier... place...
Angelica Bell: What happens when we die? Virginia Woolf: What happens? [pause] Virginia Woolf: We return to the place that we came from. Angelica Bell: I don't remember where I came from. Virginia Woolf: Nor do I.