Steven dreamed of you the very second you died (So the poem goes) and you may have visited him But I'm pretty sure you don't believe in poems
The longest 60 seconds in the world occur when someone says, “I’ll be there in a minute.
We, Brandy and Alfa and me, we've been speaking English as a second language so long that we've forgotten it as our first. I have no native tongue.
They were Archer's second set of children an d paragons of contemporary teenage cynicism. They enjoyed setting fire to the tails of tender thoughts.
Follow your fate, and be satisfied with it, and be glad not to be a second-hand motor salesman, or a yellow-press journalist, pickled in gin and nicotine, or a cripple - or dead.
Have you ever noticed how parents can go from the most wonderful people in the world to totally embarrassing in three seconds?
Meow, meow, meow. Meow meow. Meoow,” Boo told me, obviously having a full day and feeling I needed to be kept apprised of every second of it.
I'm tired of being your best friend. I'm tired of being second best. I won't settle for that anymore. It's all or nothing, Schuyler. You have to decide. Him or me. - Oliver Hazzard-Perry
...My hands shook, and I stared at them. Another loss of control. That was the second time this month. Sooner or later, I’d break, if the department didn’t put me down first.
Put two macho groups together and give the first desperation and numbers, and the second truncheons and protective clothing, and the result is like a laboratory civil war.
Every gay man out there has at least one man-crush in his past that totally shriveled his nads into raisins and sent him screaming off into the night.
Like a rollercoaster, my mind had climbed its way to the top—only to witness how far there was to fall. And like a coaster, the second the fear hit, my stomach plummeted with the drop.
Tree planting is always a utopian enterprise, it seems to me, a wager on a future the planter doesn't necessarily expect to witness.
The classics tell us that, in relationships, the one between teacher and student comes second only to the one between parent and child.
It was any wonder how a wave could withstand such a look from eyes like that and continue to build towards him. His eyes were her ocean in those brief seconds.
As much as I don't care about those things, I think it's human nature to not want to feel totally insignificant.
I can't. If I do, I will second guess myself and nothing would get done. I'd stay in one place. I'd let my fear get me.
Sweetheart, I remember every second from the first moment I laid eyes on you and I’ve been trying to get my world upright ever since.
Every second, another streak of silver glows: parentheses, exclamation points, commas--a whole grammar made of light, for words to hard to speak.
What are minnows but brief flashes? And what are thoughts? And how do you capture a brief flash, even for a second?