Let it be understood, in the first place, that a science fiction story must be an exposition of a scientific theme and it must be also a story.
The more thoroughly I conduct scientific research, the more I believe that science excludes atheism.
In thus pointing out certain respects in which philosophy resembles literature more than science, I do not mean, of course, to imply that it would be well for philosophy if it ceased to aim at scientific rigor.
Though women are no longer barred from university laboratories and scientific societies, the idea that they are innately less suited to mathematical science is deeply ingrained in our cultural genes.
I went through the standard scientific atheist phase when I was about 14. I bought into that package deal of science equals atheism.
Many have gone on to do important scientific work but all remember those wonderful times when we and our science were young and our excitement in meeting new challenges knew no bounds.
Academic sociologists have been trained to conceive of their discipline - sociology - as the scientific study of society, and to remit to the sister discipline of psychology the study of individuals.
IBM's long-standing mantra is 'Think.' What has always made IBM a fascinating and compelling place for me, is the passion of the company, and its people, to apply technology and scientific thinking to major societal issues.
In parallel with the development of my interests in technical gadgetry I began to acquire a profound love of and respect for the natural world which motivates my scientific thinking to this day.
Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power. We have guided missiles and misguided men.
Admittedly, the body of scientists, as a whole, does uphold the authority of science over the lay public. It controls thereby also the process by which young men are trained to become members of the scientific profession.
For the resolving powers of our scientific instruments decide, at a given moment, of the size and the vision of our Universe, and of the image we then make of ourselves.
We owe a lot to the Indians, who taught us how to count, without which no worthwhile scientific discovery could have been made.
And we invested three hundred thousand dollars, became the lead investor and I became Chairman of the Board of Scientific Data Systems, as I was at Intel for a while.
Grandma cheated whenever she could. She cheated because it was a much more scientific and surer way of winning than trusting to luck.
The turmoil and dislocations confronting present-day society will not be solved until both the scientific and religious genius of the human race are fully utilized.
All decisions in the criminal justice system must be determined by the physical and scientific evidence, and the credible testimony corroborated by that evidence, not in response to public outcry.
You can always try another approach; even change your subject when a scientific strategy or experiment fails.
I am no longer 'trying to dig up evidence to prove' vaccines cause autism. There is already abundant evidence....This debate is not scientific but is political
I am no longer 'trying to dig up evidence to prove' vaccines cause autism. There is already abundant evidence. This debate is not scientific but is political
There has been a substitution of ideology for fact and scientific and engineering data in this administration.