If my duty to my parents is a superstition, then so is my duty to posterity. If justice is a superstition, then so is my duty to my country or my race. If the pursuit of scientific knowledge is a real value, then so is conjugal fidelity. The rebellio...
...the ongoing suspicion that scientific discoveries or rigorous biblical scholarship will undermine faith is a tacit admission that faith is threatened by knowledge, because it is ultimately constructed on weak or faulty assumptions and, like the pr...
...where were answers to the truly deep questions? Religion promised those, though always in vague terms, while retreating from one line in the sand to the next. Don't look past this boundary, they told Galileo, then Hutton, Darwin, Von Neumann, and ...
The field of scientific abstraction encompasses independent kingdoms of ideas and of experiments and within these, rulers whose fame outlasts the centuries. But they are not the only kings in science. He also is a king who guides the spirit of his co...
During the first half of the present century we had an , who was able to scan the scientific knowledge of his time in its details, and to bring it within one vast generalization. At the present juncture, it is obviously very doubtful whether this tas...
Indeed, scientific truth by consensus has had a uniformly bad history.
Scientific research is one of the most exciting and rewarding of occupations.
We don't regard any scientific theory as the absolute truth.
Scientific theory is a contrived foothold in the chaos of living phenomena.
The theory of evolution, like the theory of gravity, is a scientific fact.
Advertisements may be evaluated scientifically; they cannot be created scientifically.
The scientific argument advanced for intelligent design at the Dover trial, those arguments collapsed, scientifically and intellectually.
… scientific thought does not mean thought about scientific subjects with long names. There are no scientific subjects. The subject of science is the human universe; that is to say, everything that is, or has been, or may be related to man.
Self-knowledge is the only basis of true knowledge.
A good scientific theory is one which is falsifiable, which has not been falsified.
One can not impede scientific progress.
When it repudiates a past paradigm, a scientific community simultaneously renounces, as a fit subject for professional scrutiny, most of the books and articles in which that paradigm had been embodied. Scientific education makes use of no equivalent ...
A valid scientific theory is predictive, verifiable, and replicable. To me, that's beautiful.
Wisdom and knowledge can best be understood together. Knowledge is learning, the power of the mind to understand and describe the universe. Wisdom is knowing how to apply knowledge and how not to apply it. Knowledge is knowing what to say; wisdom is ...
Dr. Watson's summary list of Sherlock Holmes's strengths and weaknesses: "1. Knowledge of Literature: Nil. 2. Knowledge of Philosophy: Nil. 3. Knowledge of Astronomy: Nil. 4. Knowledge of Politics: Feeble. 5. Knowledge of Botany: Variable. Well up in...
It is important that legislation keeps pace with scientific progress.