Do not just believe in God and neglect the fact that He has an unprecedented belief in you.
In fact, the individual outlook becomes less and less valuable and more and more harmful unless it is transmitted into the corporate outlook.
The fact is fossil fuel carbon will stay in the surface climate system for millennia.
I don't see gender as the most significant fact of human existence.
I very much own the fact that I'm a misfit. The Internet makes everyone realize they're screwed up.
You have to be a bastard to make it, and that's a fact. And the Beatles are the biggest bastards on earth.
The fact that women are paid 73 cents on the dollar for work equivalent to work being done by men is unacceptable in America.
Sometimes, surely, truth is closer to imagination or to intelligence, to love than to fact? To be accurate is not to be right.
Time starts out as a notion. But after you turn fifty, time is not a notion anymore but a fact that you start feeling clearly, and in a way, it pushes you to become present in the present.
Journalism is a craft that takes years to learn. It's like golf. You never get it right all the time. It's a game of fewer errors, better facts, and better reporting.
I never think, 'Where am I going to be in a year's time?' That seems to be a sure way of missing the fact that you might be quite happy now.
But we made a decision based on the fact that we have been up there a long time and that we feel that the seniority is important to the people of Louisiana.
The market is incredibly inefficient and capable on rare occasions of being utterly dysfunctional. And people have a really hard time getting their brain around that fact. They want to believe that it's approximately efficient almost all the time, an...
Humans may be the only creatures on Earth who spend significant time thinking about the fact that someday their lives will end.
An astrolabe is relatively unknown in today's world. But, at the time, in the 13th century, it was the gadget of the day. It was the world's first popular computer. And it was a device that, in fact, is a model of the sky.
The fact that I stay anonymous means I can exhibit wherever I want. No one knows my name, so it's easy for me to travel.
When the plane is delayed, it's not the fault of the girl at the desk. I'm resigned to the fact that everything is out of my control and that air travel nowadays is barbaric.
The name America has definitely grown on me. I wish there was a big patriotic story behind it, but the truth is that my grandfather was a librarian who knew all sorts of random facts.
You'll very rarely find that you can enhance a performance to give it a real emotional centre and truth... after the fact.
It is possible to be a master in false philosophy, easier, in fact, than to be a master in the truth, because a false philosophy can be made as simple and consistent as one pleases.
I've never made any money off of any of my films. Statement of fact. So without commercial work, I would be in big trouble.