A conversation goes sometimes into personal things and that's nicer. You look to each other and you have a different picture, you get into a relationship.
I have tried to preserve in my relationship to the film the same closeness and intimacy that exists between a painter and his canvas.
Things aren't always clear at the beginning of a relationship. Be up-front. Don't play on her confusion or vulnerability. Women want and appreciate clarity.
The formula for achieving a successful relationship is simple: you should treat all disasters as if they were trivialities but never treat a triviality as if it were a disaster.
'Homeland' really is one of those shows where they start to write more or less depending on what's kind of going on in a relationship between characters.
Playing a character who's dealing not only with a superpower but having a normal relationship is easy to associate with, because I feel that everyone has been through it.
I have this almost obsessive desire to whomever is close to me: I want to have a very intense, close, intimate relationship with them.
There's only so far you can take a relationship before you got to get into things that are too serious or over the top.
I like films where there's a relationship between two women. I always think that's lovely to watch on the screen.
The special relationship between twins is that, if there's anyone else in the world that's going to get or be the confidant that you need, it's an identical twin.
Relationships are like traffic lights. And I just have this theory that I can only exist in a relationship if it's a green light.
It would have been nice for Greg to eventually grow into a mature relationship with Laura. He was moving toward that already but then took a turn into the juvenile with Paige.
I don't like accidental success. It's what Bill Gates calls 'random,' a term he uses with the opposite of respect.
Being on your own would be sad, sick and weird. I don't trust myself. I need that balance.
They say Formula One is a market which it can't be, obviously. Our market is independent, it's a sport.
I grew up very much in a sporting background. I always wanted to be an actor, but my escapism always came in sports.
I got to direct a human interest sports drama - to this day, one of my proudest achievements in my career and a source of undying pride.
We want to encourage the young ones to learn and get some confidence in sports. It's fun and keeps you active and moving.
Maybe because I am from a sports background, I don't give up easily. I am a fighter.
I really appreciate the sport background because the structure and the discipline that that gives a person is incredible, and it just carries with you wherever you go.
I'm one of these people that likes adrenaline and new things, like extreme sports. It makes me feel alive.