We all hope for breakthrough rebirth moments.
I hope I'm always learning something.
I would hope everyone would be a feminist.
I hope there are some audiophiles still out there.
The sudden death at 51 of James Gandolfini is intolerable.
The coward sneaks to death; the brave live on.
I'm always on the verge of death in my head.
For me, habit is just a synonym for death.
There is no more final end than death.
'Death Of A Salesman' is a great acting job.
I can't be on the cheeseburger diet all the time.
The Diet was dissolved by a Reich Government decree.
You can plant a dream.
I have quite a lot of anxiety dreams.
I've got big, big dreams for the future.
Sexual dreams aren't usually about sex.
I hardly ever remember my dreams.
Reality is wrong. Dreams are for real.
I'd love to design a school.
Time is not eternal but was created by God at the beginning.
People are optimistic about the future.