Its important to be comfortable with uncertainty.
My plan is to work on a master's in philosophy.
The world is sick of big IT things that don't work.
There are so many hot, sexy women in L.A.
I have always enjoyed the company of women.
I liked women as a shape to dress.
You have to be very careful with women friends.
I'm always trying to push for women's rights.
There's a lot involved in going to the bathroom for women.
Women are over 50 percent of the population.
It's incredibly hard out there for women of color.
I was interested in working on a show that was driven by women.
I like women who are self-sufficient.
The greatest wisdom is to realize one's lack of it.
What I lack in energy, I have in wisdom.
Self-suggestion makes you master of yourself.
The quality of research in the U.S. is absolutely the best.
Marriage, even the best marriages are tough.
I've got America's best writer for $300 a week.
A place of freedom is the best place to have the most creativity.
The best films come about through experimentation.