The only way to do something in depth is to work hard.
Every movie is like a little company, and any little thing can make it not work.
You are only as successful as the people who work for you want you to be.
You'd be surprised how many movie stars still care about the work.
Properly practiced creativity can make one ad do the work of ten.
I think women are used to stepping up and getting the job done when you need to.
Women like myself, CEOs, can pave the way for more women to get to the top.
We should recognize that women become mothers the moment they are pregnant.
I think hidden underneath a lot of teachers are very sexy women.
You rarely see women being nice to each other on television anymore.
I am in an industry that makes women feel bad about themselves, absolutely.
Yes, I do strive to be someone young women can look up to.
Nobody else knew what to do with me because big women are old.
Sheer flattery got me into the theater. Flattery always works with me, particularly the flattery of women.
Republican women bring an important voice to the table.
I think today women are very scared to celebrate themselves, because then they just get labeled.
I always wore the highest heels possible, because the other women on the show were tall.
I go out with white women. This makes a lot of people unhappy, mostly black women.
Women look really sexy doing action on-screen, and it is my favorite genre.
I can tell women's confidence levels rise when they wear heels.
I don't have to go to a doctor and have my face changed. It terrifies me that women do that.