Any system which allows men to choose their own future will end by choosing safety and mediocrity, and in such a Reality the stars are out of reach.
In a nutshell, the difference between Christianity and all other belief systems is who you're putting your trust in: in Christ, or in yourself?
When it comes to having a central nervous system, and the ability to feel pain, hunger, and thirst, a rat is a pig is a dog is a boy.
I'm trying to avail myself of the various technologies to get the message that Washington needs to be cleaned up, that the system that's in place is not what's beneficial in the country.
I've always believed that if you support reform or you support a particular idea that you ought to fund that idea first and not the system.
In a sense, all of my books have been about a 'poisonous pedagogy,' which engenders a culture of obedience, this underlying theme of patriarchal systems.
I am disgusted and worn out with the system that seems to prevail.
If all ideas have to be bought, then you have an intellectually regressive system that will assure you have a highly knowledgeable elite and an ignorant mass.
The 90’s map the decades to come – full of invisible technologies that will ‘sub-contract’ many of the functions of the central nervous system.
A wonderful thing about true laughter is that it just destroys any kind of system of dividing people.
The Internet is a testament to a connected system that works - it's a global network where any computer can reach another, and easily transfer information across.
The pattern of things was that each of the research students would be doing some particular experiment on the accelerator, often involving the building of counters or a system like that.
There is an apprenticeship system in jazz. You teach the young ones. So even if the musicians weren't personally that likable, they felt an obligation to help the younger musicians.
Our system allows you to respond to the information that is important to you. It allows you to sense and be attuned to more streams of information in parallel.
Agriculture looks different today - our farmers are using GPS and you can monitor your irrigation systems over the Internet.
My sense was that most of the elected officials in Washington - in their heart of hearts - really believe that the system can't be too bad because it produced them.
As an outsider I was free to pick my own literary traditions, to build my own system of literary values.
The social system grows rigid but the productive forces continue to expand, and conflict ensues between the forces of production and the social conditions of production.
I think we can all learn things if we really want to. It's fascinating how that can get expedited when you have a support system around you.
The nice thing about the zodiac as a system is it is quite comprehensive as a range of impulses and psychological states it can speak about.
It is a very frustrating thing to be the face of a creative project and yet essentially have zero creative control over that project. Essentially, you're a pawn in the system.