We must take our friends as they are.
There is no friend as loyal as a book.
To Savor The Scene, A Book, or A Friend.
When friends are few ,days are dark.
I've had the same friends for ten, fifteen years.
When you have a fat friend there are no see-saws, only catapults.
There is no pain but to genuinely hurt a friend.
A lot of the friends I had went on to become criminals.
I want to see friends more and travel more.
I'm not trying to make friends, I'm trying to make money.
Wear a smile and have friends; wear a scowl and have wrinkles.
Best fabulous flamingo friends forever.
Heroes don't have friends, they have fans.
We Need Friends Perfact Mind Not Parfact FAce..
A friend for today is tomorrow's heartbreak
You can't overdose on friends, only enemies.
Technology is your friend... When it works.
You don't have to be gay to be attracted to your friend.
And say my glory was I had such friends.
All my friends are girls. I just prefer the company of women.
I’m completely library educated. I’ve never been to college. I went down to the library when I was in grade school in Waukegan, and in high school in Los Angeles, and spent long days every summer in the library. I used to steal magazines from a s...