I dated the same girl all through high school.
I played basketball and soccer my freshman year in high school.
I became involved in a residential school for the blind in Raleigh - the Governor Morehead School for the Blind in Raleigh.
I went to public school, and it shaped me as a musician.
I was not a jock in high school. I know, you're shocked.
I'm so thankful for my one year at regular high school in White Plains.
When I got out of Yale Drama School, I was completely broke.
My family is Catholic. I went to a Catholic school, that kind of thing, so that was my childhood for sure.
Show business is just like high school, except you get paid.
My most difficult class at Harvard Business School would have to be finance.
As a young boy, I was taught in high school that hacking was cool.
My parents have always been very supportive. I didn't go to school because my home was my school.
I had an Edinburgh, middle-class childhood and a public school education.
Education is key. I graduated from high school; everyone needs to.
One of the great joys of being an actor is you get to go back to school.
The great break of my literary career was going to law school.
I wanted to be a marine biologist my whole life until I graduated high school.
There is a lot of hype about drama school, I think.
I've been a fan of noir films since I was in high school.
I soon found law school an unmitigated bore.
When I was in high school, I read all of Neil Simon's plays.