The word friendship tends to be defined as something long term. When people think of their friends they don’t tend to put a length on a friendship, it is presumed to be, infinite in its length. What if friendship wasn’t infinite in its length? Wh...
It’s natural to think of one’s own life as a novel (or a movie or a play), and within that narrative we are always the central character. Thoughtful people try to overcome this compulsion, but they usually fail (in fact, trying makes it worse). I...
It's like that Simpsons joke - they're filming a cow in a movie and they go, 'OK, we'll tape a bunch of cats together to make a cow', and it's like, 'Why don't you just use a cow?'. For some reason that is novel - like, 'Oh, my guitar sounds like a p...
My older brother always tells me I changed as a person when I saw 'Ace Ventura.' Because when I saw 'Ace Ventura', I became obsessed. I watched the movie as many times as I had to - back then, you couldn't go on the Internet and find the script - so ...
I don't wish I started later, but I was never a child star. I was in school every year and had normal friends and I loved it and here I am, so I can't say that I wish I hadn't done it. I used to say, 'No, I didn't miss any of my childhood,' but it is...
I have this set-up at my house where I have one big movie theater screen that's 9 ft. by 16 ft. Then, I have nine 63-inch monitors around it; four on either side and one underneath. So I get all nine one o'clock games, and I can switch them onto the ...
Max, you're acting like a child, the Voice said. You're above rebelling against your fate just to rebel. You've got a date with destiny. Don't be late." I brushed some hair out of my eyes. Is that a movie quote? Or is it an actual date? I don't remem...
Living a horror movie cliché, so to speak?” Caleb softly replied. “I know this is hard to comprehend, especially since we study science and things that are proven or explainable. But, all my life I’ve been on the road to this very place.” He...
I don't think I've ever seen him in a movie theater! I've only seen him on TV. Wow, that's so silly of me! We only saw one of his films together, it was with a group of people, and when he kissed Deborah Kerr, I jumped off the couch and I ran up and ...
Like, in general I think people have very complicated reasons for wanting things, and we often have no idea whether we’re actually motivated by altruism or a desire to hook up or a search for answers or what. I always get annoyed when in books or m...
Rasheed: I don't recommend the Calabar beans. They are used to see if your wife is cheating on you. The innocent eat at once; they choke and spit them out. But the guilty eat cautiously, slowly, which makes the poison work. Soon, she is crying out in...
Edward D. Wood, Jr.: Do you know that I've even had producers re-cut my movies? Orson Welles: I hate when that happens. Edward D. Wood, Jr.: And they always want to cast their buddies. It doesn't even matter if they're right for the part. Orson Welle...
Henry Hill: If you're part of a crew, nobody ever tells you that they're going to kill you, doesn't happen that way. There weren't any arguments or curses like in the movies. See, your murderers come with smiles, they come as your friends, the people...
Tommy DeVito: [Infuriated at Spider and speaking to the other card players] Hey, what's that movie that Bogart made? Anthony Stabile: Which one? Tommy DeVito: The one where he played a cowboy. He only did one. Anthony Stabile: Oh... ah... The Oklahom...
Pierce Patchett: I use girls that look like movie stars. Sometimes I employ a plastic surgeon. When the work had been done, that's when you saw us. Bud White: That's why her mother couldn't I.D. her. Jesus fucking Christ. Pierce Patchett: No, Mr. Whi...
Emmet: You don't have to be the bad guy. You are the most talented, most interesting, and most extraordinary person in the universe. And you are capable of amazing things. Because you are the Special. And so am I. And so is everyone. The prophecy is ...
[to Lord Business] Vitruvius: One day, a talented lass or fellow, a special one with face of yellow, will make the Piece of Resistance found from it's hiding refuge underground, and with a noble army at the helm, this Master Builder will thwart the K...
The Man Upstairs: You know the rules, this isn't a toy! Finn: Um... it kind of is. The Man Upstairs: No, actually it's a highly sophisticated inter-locking brick system. Finn: But we bought it at the toy store. The Man Upstairs: We did, but the way I...
Unikitty: So why did you come back? Metalbeard: This be-doubled land couch. I watched Lord Business' forces completely overlook it. Which means we need more ideas like it! Emmet: Oh, thank you. Metalbeard: Ideas so dumb and bad that no one would ever...
Vitruvius: Emmet, you had a vision. Emmet: I did? Vitruvius: MasterBuilders spend years training themselves to clear their minds enough to have even a fleeting glimpse of The Man Upstairs and yet, your mind is already so prodigiously empty that there...
[Clark punches the Marty Moose statue] Ellen Griswold: Clark, what are you doing? Clark: We watch his program... We buy his toys, we go to his movies... he owes us. Doesn't he owe us, huh? He owes the Griswolds, right? Fucking-A right he owes us!