Movie directing is a perfect refuge for the mediocre.
I am in Toronto, shooting a movie for NBC.
'Movie 43' is about the hardest R Rated comedy ever.
I do a movie once every four years and they call it a comeback.
So it eventually became a question of WHEN they were going to make a movie.
I can't believe I actually was in my own movie.
All of my chupacabra books are like novelizations of movies that haven’t been made yet.
Kids today don't watch a black and white movie.
It's not what a movie is about, it's how it is about it.
I grew up on movie sets and traveling the world with my pops.
For me, certain shots or scenes are keys in the movie.
Cary and I are working together on another movie, Charlotte's Web.
I doubt I will ever be in another Michael Bay movie.
I first wanted to be an actress after seeing a play - not a movie.
In a way, everything concerning a movie leaves me cold.
I can't get hired in a studio movie. Everything is so uphill.
Look at any black-and-white movie; everybody is smoking.
ABBA: The Movie; I got a lot of grief for working on that.
I just did one movie and there was no career for me, anyway.
Sometimes I take a movie selfishly because it's a female lead.
I liked 'Robocop' because of the director, and it was an intelligent, big-action studio movie.