Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!
A running theme in my life is my inability to say no to anything.
I always say this: 'In life, truth is on your side.'
I just say that at any weight you should love your life.
I wouldn't say 'Avatar' changed my life, but it definitely changed my career.
Men say they love independence in a woman, but they don't waste a second demolishing it brick by brick.
Alcohol may be man's worst enemy, but the bible says love your enemy.
If you wouldn't write it and sign it, don't say it.
A win for one is a win for all - and I'm not just saying that because Dumas did.
You could say I'm a laid-back kind of guy.
I go to the ocean to say goodbye.
There are Tea Parties, and I would say plural, in California.
Don't get me wrong: I would not say no to an Oscar!
I'd have to say Bali's my favorite place that I've visited.
I don't get it when girls say 'I'm fine' but don't mean it.
It's important to me to say what I really mean.
I'm a socialist, and I'm not going to be ashamed to say it!
This isn't funny Dean! The voice says I'm almost out of minutes!
When somebody says it’s not about the money, it’s about the money.
Not everybody can say they wore heels in Paris Hilton's closet.
It's fair to say that I have a side that is prudent and a side that is not.