It's proper netiquette to add suggested friends to your social media accounts.
As the stewards of creation, what account will the Human Race be able to give of our Stewardship?
I don't really see myself getting a Twitter account. Nothing against it. I get it. I especially get it for businesses.
We need, first of all, for there to be accountability, for there to be somebody who is responsible for enforcing standards and holding people's feet to the fire.
[...] rationalism is a form of intellectual bigotry which, in thinking about reality, tries to take it into account as little as possible.
What we did wrong on 'RoboCop,' we just did something new and didn't really take into account what the fans really loved about the original.
Western Europe GDP per capita - not taking into account the new accession counties - was lower in 2001 relative to that of the US than any time since the 1960's.
There is a 'patrician arrogance' to James Taylor that accounts in part for his popularity while it at the same time explains the critical resistance to his work.
This also is a part of the Church's teaching, that the world was made and took its beginning at a certain time, and is to be destroyed on account of its wickedness.
Now where people are - at least the people I talk to - they are focused on issues of trust. Accountability also comes up, to make sure that this doesn't happen again.
Van Helsing: Do not let your eyes see or your ears hear that which you cannot account for.
[repeated line] Nina: Corporate accounts payable, Nina speaking. *JUST* a moment.
Max Bialystock: You're an accountant! You're in a noble profession! The word "count" is part of your title!
You know, you cut taxes for the rich sometimes and it sits in a bank account. You cut taxes for the middle class, they will spend the money.
I have always followed exactly what interests me and never really worried about the money. And when you think about it, to be able to travel the world... on an expense account and do exactly what interests you, it just doesn't get much better than th...
I don't really care about money. I find money boring and accounting boring, so I'm probably not going to ever make a lot of money.
I believe - we all pay taxes. I'm happy to pay it, but I hate to have it abused, money wasted, no accountability. That's going to bother you.
I don't believe in a heaven or a hell or an old man sitting on a throne. I believe in a higher power bigger than me because that keeps me accountable.
In the past, there was active discrimination against women in science. That has now gone, and although there are residual effects, these are not enough to account for the small numbers of women, particularly in mathematics and physics.
I make a personal commitment to the direction and success of all the programs in which I invest. I make all major philanthropic decisions myself after taking account of a range of expert opinion.
In post-Vietnam, post-Watergate America, skeptical voters demand full disclosure of everything from candidates' finances to their medical records, and spin-savvy accounts of backstage machinations dominate political coverage.