The Greatest Generation got to save old tires, dig a Victory Garden and forgo sugar. The Richest Generation is being asked to shop.
My parents lost everything, all their savings, because we had to run from the Nigerian side to the Biafran side. We were Igbos.
Using a service such as, students can save on average more than $600 a year when they rent textbooks over purchasing them.
My wife and I have spent half our lives, half our adult lives, trying to save special parts of California.
My grandmother always said, 'when you receive a paycheck, you always have to put a certain amount to your savings, and 10 percent right away to charity.'
I continue to be a strong believer in the life-saving importance of early detection, and I encourage everyone to be proactive about their preventive screenings.
It is up to you to decide who to believe: the same people as usual or those who endanger their lives to save the country.
I think there are people watching me, and if ever I manage to save £1,000 there's someone saying, 'Oh, we'll invent a tax to take that off him.'
Kind words and tender affections will not save me from this lake of woe and misery, but they may be enough of a buoy to prevent my drowning.
We've all been inundated with so many ingenious, must-have, time-saving apps and tools that we really don't have a second left to spare.
Find your own style. Don't spend your savings trying to be someone else. You're not more important, smarter, or prettier because you wear a designer dress.
Saving Edward Snowden from prison is one of WikiLeaks' achievements of which I am most proud.
There is something exciting about saving up for a special treat. Bring back the piggy bank!
In terms of 'Saving Face,' I was inspired by the stories of survivors who didn't let their attacks stop them from pursuing justice and seeking treatment.
If we could do away with traffic accidents, that'd be wonderful. There'd be more than a million people saved every year on this planet.
Here is how you know if it is love or lust. Push them in front of a bus. If you jump in the way and save them it is love.
If you want to save a species, simply decide to eat it. Then it will be managed - like chickens, like turkeys, like deer, like Canadian geese.
The thing that I had saved up for myself and wanted most to bring off was a fully fledged professional production of Hamlet at the Royal Shakespeare Theater in Stratford.
Someday when we're older, we'll learn who to trust. But heroes and saviors, can't save folks like us.
What difference is there between us, save a restless dream that follows my soul but fears to come near you?
I'm not a greedy man; there really is nothing I couldn't live without. But if there was a fire, and I saved my child and my pets, I'd be happy.