One coin in the money-box makes more noise than when it is full.
Those who foretell the future lies, even if he tells the truth.
The rejection of Western democracy derives from the same rejection of secularism but was further sharpened by the Saudi Arabian establishment’s aversion to democracy’s subversive streak and the threat it posed to the Saudi monarchy if unleashed. ...
All mankind is divided into three classes: those that are immoveable, those that are moveable, and those that move.
Beware of one who flatters unduly; he will also censure unjustly.
Call someone your lord and he'll sell you in the slave market.
If begging should unfortunately be thy lot, knock at the large gates only.
Never sit in the place of a man who can say to you, "Rise.".
T.E. Lawrence: A thousand Arabs means a thousand knives, delivered anywhere day or night. It means a thousand camels. That means a thousand packs of high explosives and a thousand crack rifles. We can cross Arabia while Johnny Turk is still turning r...
Do not buy either the moon or the news, for in the end they will both come out.
He that plants thorns must never expect to gather roses.
I am a prince and you are a prince; who will lead the donkeys?.
If you stop every time a dog barks, your road will never end.
Silence is the best answer to the stupid. The fool has his answer on the tip of his tongue.
Throw a lucky man in the sea, and he will come up with a fish in his mouth.
A kind word can attract even the snake from his nest.
If you have much, give of your wealth; if you have little, give of your heart.
The whisper of a pretty girl can be heard further than the roar of a lion.
Death is a black camel that lies down at every door. Sooner or later you must ride the camel.
Four things come not back. The spoken word, the sped arrow, the past life, ad the neglected opportunity.
If power is for sale, sell your mother to buy it. You can always buy her back again.