She met a dashing man — he was, a dash.
All you single fathers got to man up.
The sin of man was placed on a sinless Savior. 2 Cor. 5:21
Man I'm high off life. Fuck it, I'm WASTED
In a blind town, the one-eyed man is king.
Were I not a king, I would be a university man.
No man is perfect but God is. What do you think?
God created man to care for the earth.
Life is but a breath. The end of life is the last breath of a man.
Man, if you have to ask what it [jazz] is, you’ll never know.
I freakin' hate Twitter, man. I honestly don't understand the purpose of it.
There's always been a man telling me what to do.
I look at myself as the luckiest man alive.
You can kill a man, but you can't kill an idea.
Dignity: the doomed man's final refuge.
I'm pretty sure I'm a doppelganger for Alan Alda. I'm a trannie; I'm a man.
All the roads of the haughty man lead to arrogance!
Man without dreams is a boat in a frozen lake!
Here is the fate of the man: To appear and to disappear!
Army Specialist Bradley Manning deserves a medal, not prison.
A man’s weakness is his family and a woman’s is her child