The torment of envy is like a grain of sand in the eye.
He who is desperate will squeeze oil out of a grain of sand.
Friendship is a furrow in the sand.
About Anna Faktorovich's "Romances of George Sand": “What a read! Not lacking in action and very imaginative.
Write injuries in sand, kindnesses in marble.
Write injuries in the sand, kindnesses in marble.
Kathy: [Repeated line] This is MY house.
A building of sand falls as you build it.
Spending it is like pouring water into sand.
Behrani: [to Lester] I will kill you!
Who builds upon the people, builds upon sand.
Footprints on the sands of time are not made by sitting down.
We can't stop reading. Compulsively we find ourselves reading significance into dreams (we construct a science upon it); into tea-leaves and the fall of cards. We look up at the shifting vapours in the sky, and see faces, lost cities, defeated armies...
I've crossed a world of sand and tears in search of you.
Behrani: You have my respect for your heart.
Father Dominic Moran: [offering Sands a cigarette] Bit of a break from smokin' the Bible, eh? Bobby Sands: [agrees] Father Dominic Moran: Anyone work out which book is the best smoke? Bobby Sands: We only smoke the Lamentations. A right miserable cig...
A blow to another's purse is like a blow to a mountain of sand.
Behrani: Today God has kissed our eyes.
Behrani: Have you no faith in me? No respect?
Who offends writes on sand, who is offended on marble.