Katsumoto: If I am no use, I will happily end my life. Emperor Meiji: No, I need your voice in the Council. Katsumoto: It is your voice we need, Highness. You are a living god. Do what you think is right. Emperor Meiji: [ruefully] I am a living god, ...
Ghost Dog: It is said that what is called the Spirit of an Age is something to which one cannot return. That this spirit gradually dissipates is due to the world's coming to an end. In the same way, a single year does not have just spring or summer. ...
[interviewing Louie for information about Ghost Dog] Sonny Valerio: Where's he live? Louie: Fuck, if I know. That's the next strange thing. I mean, I can't just call him up. Instead, he contacts me every day through a bird. [pause] Sonny Valerio: Did...
Algren: [narrating] Spring, 1877. This marks the longest I've stayed in one place since I left the farm at 17. There is so much here I will never understand. I've never been a church going man, and what I've seen on the field of battle has led me to ...
[on taking Katsushiro as a student] Kambei Shimada: You embarrass me. You're overestimating me. Listen, I'm not a man with any special skill, but I've had plenty of experience in battles; losing battles, all of them. In short, that's all I am. Drop s...
Simon Graham: You insolent, useless son of a peasant dog! How dare you show your sword in his presence! Do you know who this is? [pointing to Algren] Simon Graham: This is the President of the United States of America! He is here to lead our armies i...
Japanese Businessman: [in Japanese; subtitled] Do you like Ferraris? Go Go Yubari: [in Japanese] Ferraris... Italian trash. [Japanese businessman giggles] Go Go Yubari: Do you want to screw me? [Japanese businessman giggles again] Go Go Yubari: Don't...
Bill: I suppose the traditional way to conclude this is, we cross Hanzo swords. Well, it just so happens, this hacienda comes with its very own private beach. And this private beach just so happens to look particularly beautiful bathed in moonlight. ...
Ray Vargo: Did you try to follow the bird? Put a bug on it? Anything like that? Louie: No, I never had a reason to do anything like that. Like I said I realize that the arrangement I made with this guy is pretty weird, but he's always shown me comple...
Heihachi Hayashida: Haven't you ever seen anyone cut firewood before? Gorobei Katayama: You seem to enjoy it. Heihachi Hayashida: That's just the way I am. Yah! [he chops another log] Gorobei Katayama: You're good! Heihachi Hayashida: Not really. It'...
Katsumoto: And who was your general? Algren: Don't you have a rebellion to lead? Katsumoto: People in your country do not like conversation? Algren: He was a lieutenant colonel. His name was Custer. Katsumoto: I know this name. He killed many warrior...
Sonny Valerio: What the fuck is his name? Louie: Ghost Dog. Sonny Valerio: What? Louie: Ghost Dog. Sonny Valerio: Ghost Dog? Joe Rags: He said Ghost Dog. Louie: Yeah. He calls himself Ghost Dog. I don't know, a lot of these Black guys today, these ga...