There is no growth in assuming. For it does not give, it takes away.
Husband Rules: A Guy's Playbook on How to Win in MarriageA good marriage is where both people feel like they're getting the better end of the deal.
Joe JonesShe had the habit of making up virtuous qualities in a man to support her attraction.
Marriage by MistakeShe was the curator of her marriage, collector of swift quotes and unremarked-upon sensations.
The Mother Who Stayed: seemed marriage by its very design was meant to seek out love and destroy it.
The Lost Summer of Louisa May AlcottArtist colonies are notorious for breaking up marriages and housing affairs.
Loose Girl: A Memoir of PromiscuityNo sex in marriage. Yes to laundry though. That’s the only time I get her clothes on the floor.
Sleepwalking is restercise