Sim sighed. "like Ross always said: Wish in one hand,shit in the other,and see which hand fills up first.
Do you think,” she said, “instead of having sex, we could make love?” “I’d love that,” Ken whispered.
You know, Savannah, if you cry, I won’t tell anyone,’ Ken said quietly. ‘I promise.
A moment passed, perhaps half a second when their faces said what they felt, and then Emma was smiling, laughing, her arms around his neck.
The way I’d put it,” said Makin, “is that Rike can’t make an omelet without wading thigh deep in the blood of chickens and wearing their entrails as a necklace.
Everybody's got the seam of goodness in them, Kit," said Grandpa. "Just a matter of whether it can be found and brought out into the light.
Now you're an adult, Katya!" he'd said, picking her up under the armpits like he'd been doing since she'd been born.
Chip, she’s gone,” and he said, “I thought I’d feel her looking down on us, but you’re right. She’s just gone
I'm scared to die," I whispered as Michael walked in. "He was scared to live," he said kissing my forehead.
The pigs can't stop the fox; I'm too quick,' Takumi said to himself. "I can rhyme while I run; I'm that slick.
…the worst thing said about him is that he was "uncurious.
Logic, it is often said, is the study of valid arguments. It is a systematic attempt to distinguish valid arguments from invalid arguments.
The Guide says there is an art to flying", said Ford, "or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.
mooo," she said... "I mean mmmm," she moaned. Louder this time. Goddamn Dr. Seuss is ruining my sex life.
Don’t do it gurl,” he said with a wink. “You need to pretend like that phone is your best friend’s husband’s dick now drop it.
It's over, Sam. Finally." "Yeah," he said. "I guess it is." "Turn out the light, Sam." Sam reached for the switch and turned out the light.
Tell me I'm not crazy," He said. I couldn't do that. I was nowhere near sane enough at the moment to advise anyone else on rational behavior.
Oh, poor, poor fellow!' said Mrs. Elliot with a remorse that was sincere, though her congratulations would not have been.
But all them things exist," said Nanny Ogg. "That's no call to go around believing in them. It only encourages 'em.
Gabby, I told you I'd give you space, but I never said I wouldn't fill your space with flowers. Brad
That sounds dangerous,'said Jean. 'For anyone else, maybe.For Gentlemen Bastards,we,it;s just what we do.' 'We?' 'We.