I wanted to be a hockey player. Where I grew up, the basketball courts were rarely used. I was terrible in school and actually said, 'I'm going to be a hockey player.'
I'm dyslexic, although they didn't have a word for it when I was in grade school. The teachers said I had 'word blindness.'
A friend of Diagoras pointed out an expensive display of votive gifts and said, ' .' To which Diagoras replied, ' ?
"I look upon this world as a wrecked vessel. God has given me a lifeboat and said, 'Moody, save all you can.
I will forget what you said, but I will never forget how lively, joyful and grateful you made me feel.
Everything has changed. When I was at school and was told I had better learn English, I said: What for? The English are a hell of a long way away!
It wasn't like I just woke up and said, 'Here's my gimmick; I'll wear a hat and put something weird on it.'
I wish anytime I went into a nice restaurant and asked for a table, they said, 'Well I'm sure you don't want one in the corner.'
I was never honest. My father died, and I had never said to him, 'I'm gay.' I knew what I was, but I had to pretend not to be that to avoid the beatings.
Tammy Faye said, I am so happy that Jessica Hahn is so ugly, because now I don't feel so bad.
People have said unkind things and you kind of have to, if you happen to read it, you have to just, you know, move on.
Today, I'm a candidate for the office of president of the United States of America. My kids can't believe I just said that.
Lincoln said that the Patent Office adds the flame of interest to the light of creativity. And that is why we need to improve the effectiveness of our Patent Office.
You know, I'll tell you, nothing changed after 'No Strings' for me. A lot of people said, like, 'Your game will be different,' but it wasn't. It really wasn't.
That said, there are certainly still cooks out there who make fantastic historical cornbreads, though the old recipes have often been changed to include modern techniques and ingredients.
When I first heard 'Robocop' was going to be remade. I said, 'Yeah, that's interesting. I'll probably watch that at some point, but I'm not interested at all to be in it.'
Optimism is denial for chumps with no life experience". "What's pessimism?" I said. "Religion without God.
Zhang is a friend of mine: he said forget about acting and just do normal things in the movie.
That said, we don't approach these improvements as only a surface aesthetic. The producers and we think that these men are helped with their inner needs when they pay attention to their externals.
Steve Martin said that philosophy is good for comedy because it screws up your thinking just enough, and I agree with that. Being forced to see life's metadata is good training for looking for interesting angles on a topic.
My old manager of the Irish National Theatre said 'Don't worry about being a star, just worry about being a working actor. Just keep working.' I think that's really good advice.