Do you believe in God, Venkat?” Mitch asked. “Sure, lots of ’em,” Venkat said. “I’m Hindu.
The MartianAha," Andrea said. "I'm going to ignore that you just referred to yourself as 'sugar woogums'.
Magic SlaysI can't see anything" he said in a muffled voice, hand over his eyes. "I'm blind.
Night World, No. 1Show me what you've written," I said, although I wanted desperately to avoid looking at it.
No Longer HumanI could help you,” I said. “Counseling, drugs, a religious advisor, a girlfriend.
Notorious NineteenI'm a survivor, " I said. But I didn't think that claim would carry much weight in an obituary.
The Night in QuestionI don't deserve a girl like Hatsumi," Nagasawa once said to me. I had to agree with him.
Norwegian WoodThe Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said, When Allah loves a people, He tries them.
Lyrics Alley