And as I venture into anothers pit of everlasting darkness, I'll return with a simple blackened rose. and with that rose I shall write the stories it tells.
...stories break silence and nourish those who work, feel, and dream. From Costa Rica: A Traveler's Literary Companion
If you have a story inside you but don't know where to start, look within and write from the heart, for the heart will never steer you wrong.
Each thing you add to your story is a drop of paint falling into clear water; it spreads through and colors everything.
Do not worry about what words to use. Worry about why this story needs to be told and the rest will take care of itself.
When I watch cop shows, I really enjoy them because you can really follow the story and get involved, and the characters are always really interesting.
I'd like to, when it's all said and done, say that I have at least a few stories that I feel proud of.
Fortunately, John Houseman is a marvelous writer and he sat in on so many story conferences. He worked with Welles, you know, and he's a marvelous man.
All my stories are webs of style and none seems at first blush to contain much kinetic matter. For me style is matter.
The evergreen story of people in debt becomes even sexier in an economic downturn, when debts inevitably get harder to pay.
Whenever I write about immigration, I hear heart-wrenching stories of computer workers who are unemployed and facing severe hardship.
There are only two or three human stories, and they go on repeating themselves as fiercely as if they had never happened before.
I think back story can help guide your choices, but when you're playing a scene, you're not making choices; you're just intuitive.
HBO and I have a deal to at least try to make a television series from the Leonid McGill stories. We're going to start with the first novel, 'The Long Fall.'
Prison has a universal fascination. It's a real-life horror story because, given the right set of circumstances, anyone could find themselves behind bars.
Stories develop from things I read and also from my own experiences and experiences of people I know.
I am sure that in the story of Adam and Eve, the forbidden fruit was a fig and not an apple, pear or anything else.
My dream is to work with people like Meryl Streep, Michael Fassbender, Christian Bale and Cate Blanchett. To me, those are true storytellers - genuine people who have stories to tell and make incredible films.
Initial work is on period research where the historical markers are absolutely non-negotiable. Once that is established, a writer can take creative liberties in terms of chronology to suit the story.
I had an agent who spent eight years - eight years! - trying to sell my stories. She sold other people's work; she just didn't sell mine.
Through their 'Making a Difference' franchise, I am excited to work with NBC News to continue to highlight stories of organizations and individuals who make their communities and our world healthier, more just and more humane.