Getting as much sleep as possible and following a healthy diet will stop you from feeling run-down if, like me, you're super-stressed.
What I really honestly want is just to be working steadily... I would love to just be on a great TV show and have it run for awhile.
When I started out as a little kid, I didn't say 'I just want to run football.' I wanted to be a great athlete.
I have more energy to run after our four children. Weight loss and great skin were a bonus!
There are hundreds of people running around with great voices. If they would study and develop them they could become great singers.
The battleline between good and evil runs through the heart of every man.
I really love to run, and then right after, get some good lifting in. Then, of course, follow all that up with some healthy meals and protein.
I'm not particularly good at running things when once they get to a certain level. Once it gets routine, get me out of the way.
I've had the good fortune and blessing to run for the offices for which I really wanted to do the work.
Americans are good at pursuing happiness. And the Americans who pursue happiness most diligently show that we're also good at running it down and killing it.
I always tell my children, 'You have to face your fear. If not, it's like running from a dog that will bite you in the back.'
The big value of the founder running the company is really two things: the knowledge and the commitment.
I made a commitment... both to myself and to some supporters to carefully consider a run for the Liberal leadership for the Liberal Party of Canada.
Say what you will about the leadership of 'SNL,' they have crafted an institution as opposed to just running a show. I don't think that's by accident.
I want to look at life - at the commonplaces of existence - as if we had just turned a corner and run into it for the first time.
In youth, we get plenty of exercise through games and running around, but as middle life approaches, we settle down, literally and figuratively.
There have been times in my life that I've had a ton of vices, and my demons have run amok for years and years and years.
I love characters who are clever and smart, and you have to run to catch up with. I think there's something very appealing and rather heroic in that.
If there is any country on earth where the course of true love may be expected to run smooth, it is America.
You can't expect people who are too lazy to run to accompany you on a marathon.
I don't have to put on shoulder pads and run out there and let somebody hit on me a little bit.