So China will be having to make some choices as to whose side it wants to be on. Hopefully, this will be the beginning of a major improvement in our relationship with them, if they choose correctly.
Remember, the IDF, the Israeli Defense Forces, have a working relationship with the Palestinian Authority security forces, which have been incredibly professional.
Most of us make up our minds in the first three minutes of meeting someone whether there's a potential for a relationship.
But I think the real tension lies in the relationship between what you might call the pursuer and his quarry, whether it's the writer or the spy.
My mother killed herself when I was 12. I won't complete that relationship. But I can try to understand her.
I'm a relationship kind of girl. I like a twosome. Some people get excited about being single. I don't.
If you ask me about Napoleon, I'll tell you about his relationship with sugar. And canning - thanks to Napoleon, we have canning.
There is a triangular relationship between poverty, child labour and illiteracy who have a cause and consequence relationship. We will have to break this vicious circle.
My relationship with my readers is somewhat theatrical. One of the main things I try to do in my work is delight my readers.
I certainly know that this relationship could not have continued the way it did, when I was at the Pentagon and the president was obviously at the White House, without Betty.
Corporations invest in sophisticated CRM, or Customer Relationship Management, programs to effectively oversee their relationship with their customers at every point during the buying process.
A conversation goes sometimes into personal things and that's nicer. You look to each other and you have a different picture, you get into a relationship.
Mormonism was born amid secrecy, and throughout its existence as a religion it has sustained a close yet complex relationship to the arts of silence.
I've always been interested in the relationship between total external surround, culture, the political matrix, technology, etc., and the internal human consciousness.
If you look back on the breakups that you've had, whether it's a long relationship or a one-night stand, it's always awkward.
The formula for achieving a successful relationship is simple: you should treat all disasters as if they were trivialities but never treat a triviality as if it were a disaster.
I want to be very close to someone I respect and admire and have somebody who feels the same way about me.
A person isn't who they are during the last conversation you had with them - they're who they've been throughout your whole relationship.
An ultimate joint challenge for the biological and the computational sciences is the understanding of the mechanisms of the human brain, and its relationship with the human mind.
Lots of people feel more alive when they're riding a roller-coaster relationship. But while this might be fun for a while, it can't possibly last.
Sidney Poitier became a star in part by helping black and white Americans negotiate their new relationship in the post-Civil Rights era.