An American orchestra doesn't want to play more than it has to. I respectfully disagree with that attitude.
Writers obviously have to bear witness to the harsh face of the age.
In youth we run into difficulties. In old age difficulties run into us.
I knew from the age of seven that I was meant to be a writer.
In the age of globalisation, pooled sovereignty means more power, not less.
I felt a tremendous sadness for men who can't deal with a woman of their own age.
Like many women my age, I am 28 years old.
I don't feel as if I belong to an age group.
A diplomat is a man who always remembers a woman's birthday but never remembers her age.
I'm not getting any younger. You're not getting any younger, so yeah. You age.
The golden age is before us, not behind us.
Because of Mozart, it's all over after the age of seven.
I may climb perhaps to no great heights, but I will climb alone.
And we never got the mule, let alone the forty acres.
You must show him, by leaving him severely alone.
Other nations use 'force'; we Britons alone use 'Might'.
These roads do not serve transportation alone, they also bind our Fatherland.
It is easier to win than to fail. Everybody sides with the winner. But the failure walks alone.
I can't do everything alone. I need all Filipinos to unify.
The surest way to be alone is to get married.
The strongest man in the world is he who stands most alone.