In Britain, Christianity is dying. Islam, unfortunately, isn't.
I'm not the last of the old bosses. I'm the first of the new leaders.
I'm a member of the media. I'm America's Anchorman.
If Roosevelt were alive today, he'd turn over in his grave.
The poet laureate of England talked about murdering Jews on the West Bank.
I took and received campaign donations under the existing laws.
When I first registered to vote I registered as a Democrat.
The West sees Iran as an important force in the gulf.
It's not the heart that compels conclusions in cases, it's the law.
We apply law to facts. We don't apply feelings to facts.
The task of a judge is not to make the law - it is to apply the law.
The biographer has two lives: The one she leads, and the one she ultimately understands.
My school was really small, but I was called the Class Clown!
The fact is that America relies on Amtrak to move people.
Good is not good, where better is expected.
I would like to be Pope if I could.
Old maids do not mind giving people trouble.
The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church.
I answer every single e-mail that comes in myself.
Incomprehensible jargon is the hallmark of a profession.
We all live in a televised goldfish bowl.