The best thing I can make is a peanut butter-and-jelly sandwich.
He serves his party best who serves his country best.
Above all, don't fear difficult moments. The best comes from them.
The best governor in the world is the person who never really planned to be governor.
Even under the best of circumstances, the road back from war is difficult.
I was never convinced that war was the best system to bring democracy to the country.
And here I thought the orgasm came with the coffee.
'Never' is too much of a word. Nothing lasts forever.
But in America, if you're an atheist, you lose.
I was considering running for political office.
Obviously, I'll keep fighting to uphold the Constitution.
I speak Urdu quite a lot, too, and I read a lot of Persian.
We haven't really gotten the credit for what we have done.
I'm quite an advocate of free trade.
We are very quiet there, but it is the quiet of a storm centre. .
Using MO to link crimes can be problematic.
We assume people we know can't be serial killers.
I think there really is no shortcut to sovereignty.
I don't control my writing - it controls me.
No connection between Iraq and the 9/11 catastrophe.
The right to procreate is not guaranteed, explicitly or implicitly, by the Constitution.