I'm pretty lowbrow. It's a failing.
Human improvement is from within outward.
The decline of literature indicates the decline of a nation.
Governments, of course, can - and do - soak the rich.
At least the politicians are accountable to the voters.
The presidency is not an office job.
All government, of course, is against liberty.
We must use time as a tool, not as a couch.
Money creates a power relationship between the payer and the payee.
The nature of the Catilinarian conspiracy was bad and bloody.
A desire to resist oppression is implanted in the nature of man.
Whichever party is in office, the Treasury is in power.
There is no power in cynicism. There is no forward thrust in cynicism.
I like power and I like to use it.
Poetry is a form of mathematics, a highly rigorous relationship with words.
After all, is football a game or a religion?
When I work, my first relationship with people is professional.
Our relationship was cursed by the fact that we agreed on everything.
Credulity is the man's weakness, but the child's strength.
Every calamity is to be overcome by endurance.
We've become a plastic society.