Let me announce this to the American people tonight one of the best things about this debate, as a Democrat from Massachusetts, I have proposed eliminating, getting rid of the alternative minimum tax.
I think there are a lot of technocrats in the business who would much rather work with just wheels and gears and machinery. Those things interest them more than humanity and I wish them the best of luck.
I voted for the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, not because I thought it was the best we could do, but because I thought it was a whole lot better than the current system.
However, in recent years our nation has seen a sizable influx of illegal immigration that at best highlights some alarming inadequacies and at worst indicates a broken system.
Chris Hemsworth is like my bromance. Seriously, I think I really inherited one of my best friends now. He doesn't know this yet, but I'm going to stalk him if he doesn't.
I believe that as a nation we must have a bipartisan discussion about how to best preserve and protect Social Security for our seniors and for future generations of Americans.
I'm pretty sure I became an actress solely because of craft services. When you're a kid and there's a lady walking around with a tray of chocolate and other free candy, that's the best reason to be in the industry!
In sixth and seventh grade, my two best friends and I pretended to be horses. Every day after school, we would gallop around, whinnying and stamping our hooves and tossing our manes - for hours.
My dad was a businessman, and he would say, 'Work for free at the best company. Don't get paid a lot of money to work with the worst people.' And that's exactly how I see my career.
I think every director has a different take, some are good, some are bad. The directors you get on best with sometimes don't make the best films, so who's to say who is right.
My only real advice to Oscar nominees is, 'If you haven't actually seen a competitor's film, don't fib and say you have and blow smoke up their wahooziewhatsits.' Always best to be frank and tell them the truth.
Small minds are concerned with the extraordinary, great minds with the ordinary.
New and emerging infections keep coming back and the world needs a collective defense system, and that requires international cooperation and collaboration, in the name of global solidarity.
I'm a big supporter of the Second Amendment. But I think I have a First Amendment right not to be shot.
I'm particularly happy that the Ronald Reagan Building is both public and private, and embraces his lifelong belief... in free and open trade.
Havadan sudan söz ettikten ve gerekli bilgi formlarını titizlikle doldurduktan sonra, "sorunumu" sorunca, doktora, bir an, sevgilimi kaybettiğim için kendimi uzaya yollanmış bir köpek gibi yalnız hissettiğimi söylemek geldi içimden...
I just have that sense this is the reason we got Sandra Day O'Connor on the Court in the first place is because Ronald Reagan was running for President.
I was talking about no nukes, the farm crisis. People said that wasn't stuff that a state auditor was supposed to be talking about. Maybe they were right.
The use of force to liberate people is very different from the use of force to suppress or control them, or even to defeat them.
I have to say that I've always believed perfectionism is more of a disease than a quality. I do try to go with the flow but I can't let go.
It's the difficulty we had with Mr. Bean, actually, when it went from TV to film. You certainly discover that you need to explain more about a character.