These guys were the real owners of the country, and for them to discuss with this young guy who becomes a member of the government was absolutely unacceptable.
Maryland needs someone in Congress who will fight to create jobs, stop out-of-control government spending and defend small businesses.
One can criticize the Israeli government, but it is not fair to judge the people of Israel.
It is the responsibility of Afghanistan's new government to gain better control over the country's administration and to resolutely fight the drug trade and corruption.
Potentially, a government is the most dangerous threat to man's rights: it holds a legal monopoly on the use of physical force against legally disarmed victims.
I will continue to advocate for a strong federal government role to establish the production, storage and distribution networks needed to support a hydrogen economy.
I decided I ought to pick a project that would not be controversial, that would not really cost the government a lot of money.
The predominant yardstick of your government is not human rights but national interests.
The federal government has a responsibility to protect all Americans from potential terrorist attack.
I think it is just stupid economics for a government to approach economic management from a strand of thinking regarding unions as enemies.
The Obama presidency, and liberalism in general, are based on not trusting the American people - a belief that big government is better for people.
Higher taxes still does not create prosperity for all. And, more government still does not grow jobs.
People want results. I call it 'results oriented conservatism,' R.O.C. because that's what people want out of government.
Government does not create jobs. It only helps create the conditions that make jobs more or less likely.
The fight for reform comes down to a simple goal: giving our citizens the confidence that government serves the people first and the people only.
The objective of the demonstrators is to win the affection of the armed agents of the government. Most of the Kiev police have now pledged their support for the people.
Using these unnamed sources, if done properly, carefully and fairly, provides more accountability in government.
The government of the United States is a device for maintaining in perpetuity the rights of the people, with the ultimate extinction of all privileged classes.
Uncritical American boosterism - automatic endorsement of every government action - is myopic and self-defeating.
The House is rooted in the principle of direct elections and is unique among all branches and bodies of the federal government as without exception, the people's voice.
You know, we have three branches of government. We have a House. We have a Senate. We have a President.