I have a vast curiosity about our universe, our origins, and its probable future.
How we continue to fund Medicare and Medicaid into the future is a pressing issue of national concern.
I don't know what the future is, but you just do it whilst it's there, don't you?
Toward his critics, the artist harbors a defensive ace: knowledge that the future will erase the present.
I've always worked hard and played hard, and I'm sure I'll be cleaning up my act in the future.
Your past is not your potential. In any hour you can choose to liberate the future.
At every crossroads on the path that leads to the future, tradition has placed 10,000 men to guard the past.
We have no intention of leaving the euro. In no way will we experiment with the future of our country.
I never have plans for the future as you never know how things will turn out.
We now need to look beyond our immediate future and aim higher and farther.
The only thing we know about the future is that it will be different.
I think the future also will not belong to those who are cynical or those who stand on the sidelines.
I think that the future belongs to democracy, but not to capitalism, because they are opposite camps.
The world is full of people whose notion of a satisfactory future is, in fact, a return to the idealised past.
This future is ours to embrace. Whether we, the established generations, choose to accept that is in our court.
The future of publishing is about having connections to readers and the knowledge of what those readers want.
Existence is no more than the precarious attainment of relevance in an intensely mobile flux of past, present, and future.
Times have changed; so must the lenses through which we see the political future.
I think that the present is worth attention, one shouldn't sacrifice it to future conceptions of, of this future or that future.
It is always wise to look ahead, but difficult to look further than you can see.
My thoughts will be taken up with the future or the past, with what is to come or what has been. Of the present there is necessarily no image.