The name of this book is mysterious.
I'm not a downtrodden woman. I just won't be.
I'm not a solid enough actor to have techniques.
I had a wonderful career.
Boys Shack, MEN build homes
There's no place to act in Kansas. You're supressed.
I can be a lazy slob.
I don't believe in miracles.
I don't feel that I was a Hollywood-created star.
I don't like working in front of a camera.
I have a career, I worked so hard for it.
I'm really insecure about everything.
I was grounded for all of my childhood. Not most - all.
I was too young to have watched '90210.'
'Midnight Nation' is really interesting.
Courage is the willingness to act in spite of fear.
I'm continuing to do research into biker culture.
I'm a bold Christian, not a scaredy-cat Christian.
No one is as murderously 'Islamophobic' as Islamists are.
The best thing an actor can be is ready. Be flexible, be ready.
The best cure for insomnia is to get a lot of sleep.