If you are anything other than humbled in the presence of love, you are not in the presence of love.
2 A.M. at The Cat's PajamasWhat if I had told the boy I loved to leave and it ended up being for nothing?
In the Age of Love and ChocolateReal love is a humble receptivity of a silent heart that is prepared to melt and merge…
Awakening Inner GuruLove is a risk. It always is. None of us is guaranteed a long life. But love takes courage.
Ask Me NicelyI don't believe anyone who says love, love, love. It means self, self, self.
The Heart of the MatterThe destination of love in two hearts joining love marries the two the instance they fall in love
An Insight Into Spiritual MenopauseWe do not need guns and bombs to bring peace, we need love and compassion.
The Joy in Loving: A Guide to Daily LivingThe highest function of love is that it makes the loved one a unique and irreplaceable being.
Jitterbug Perfume